Pendulum Dowsing has been extinsively used since ages. In the early periods, pendulum dowsing is used for finding water below the earth, minerals, metals, etc. Now a days, Pendulum Dowsing is extensively used for finding negative energies, geopathic stresses and various other things in Vastu Shastra.
Learning Pendulum Dowsing and using a Pendulum is simple. You just need to do a Pendulum Dowsing tranning under an expert and you can do it easily. Vastu Guru Abhishek Goel teaches Pendulum Dowsing in 5 Day Advance Vastu Course. For Course details, Kindly visit course
To know more about Pendulum Dowsing, Watch the video below by Vastu Guru Abhishek Goel
Publisher : Vastu Guru Abhishek Date : February 28, 20, 1:39 am